Monday, May 3, 2010

Pizza Dollar Spots

YO I LOVE DOLLAR PIZZA! Dollar pizza is like one of the best inventions since the 25 cent cone at McDonald.(fmj,lol) I dont know what about dollar pizza that tastes focking awesome. Sometimes its only available during lunch time but holy father to find a pizza dollar spot is like finding a "slice" of heaven. :D. Okay that was a little corny but im serious. Theres one on summit right across the new judge house thing and during 11:00 am to 12:00 pm in franks pizza and 3 boys from italy they are right next to each other its

Saturday, May 1, 2010

You want a whopppper friend!!!

(This guy looks just like the guy from Grand theft auto, LMFAO)
Lmao. So for anybody who played this game tell me this dude at burger king doesnt look exactly like Niko Bellic! "your going to die friend!" but in this case "MAY I HELP YOU FRIEND!", "YOU WANT A WHOPPER FRIEND!!".