Wednesday, March 31, 2010

The Mildred

(This is Mildred-she mad cool)
Shes massive cool and a Hopeless romantic. Im giving her some ad space on my blog about her blog cause shes DOPE. (and shes following me. :D) <-mimi's blog.

The Ghetto White Girl

(Crystal- The face of the most hood chick I
Crystal is an OG.(for real, i think she got a case or caught a body but thats another story) (notice that I didnt put an lol after the comment cause im serious,lol im not sntching or anything im just saying)Theres nothing wrong with being white and just weird when you know somebody who you KNOW isnt ghetto like that but they choose to be because its cool or they trying to be down. I know this white dude that you know DAMN well he aint hood but chooses to be because thats what he lives around so he has to blend in but you cant blend in when your a screw driver in a box of hammers. Be yourself Like I know when he grows up he wants to be a lumberjack in the woods hunting foxes. lol. But hes probably gonna end up putting out a rap

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

The Virgin Anonymous

(This is Ramon-he is NOT a virgin-so he claims but I took a pic cause I know he was going to cover his face, no hard feelings you just need to stop being scared of gir*cough* I mean the just

Okay, I've noticed some people definitely lie about being a virgin or a Look, being a virgin is awesome. I promise you if you ask any girl who isnt they wish they still were. Becasue pretty much everybody regrets losing it so early on. For reasons like "he was a fucking dickhead" and "I thought I was in love" and you rarely ever hear "im cool because i lost it".lol. But the WORSE is when a dude lies about not being a virgin. "nah yo i aint no fucking virgin!"...Pitiful, Reason being girls LOVE They think its the cutest,sweetest thing ever. Girls dont want a dude the bones all the time and boned more chicks then they can count on there fingers,toes,elbows,knees,ankles,ears and What im saying is THERES NOTHING WRONG WITH BEING A VIRGIN. If anything be proud! Not of just being a virgin but being yourself cause in the end you're the only one that matters... especially if you hittin something. ;] jk.lmao.

The Race Car Jackets

(Joss-the platonic female friend)
yeaaaaah, not to be like a fashion guru or something but this trend needs to To wear a race car jacket is like wearing a police officer uniform or wearing a lab People that wear race car jackets are actually wearing a costume. I'm gonna start a new trend and wear mail man bag. see, now thats fashion but now you know if you see anybody with a construction helmet or a mail man bag I called it 1st.

Monday, March 29, 2010

The Teen Pregnancy

(Cool ass Czarina and Leon(btw you dont kick for me because you dont want me to leave... or you're a stingy asshole who doesn't want to kick for anybody except

Okay, teen pregnancy is some serious business. We've all been through those pregnancy scares like uhhm "uhm babe," "huh," "I think I'm"... now before you even finish the sentence are thinking FUGGGGGHHHHCCCCKKK!!! So many alarms are ringing in our head. A Short movie of the dude saying to you my bad but I cant be in this relationship and runs away to a small village in india that you've only heard in slumdog millionaire plays on full blast so you cant even hear the big ass gulp go down his throat. Im not saying that all teenage boys don't want kids but usually smart one's Its funny cause i hear these BOYS say " yeah man, imma support my baby and da baby moms mhm imma be there for dem yeah".... YOU DONT HAVE A JOB OR A DIPLOMA OR A CARDBOARD BOX TO PUT OVER A DEAD CAT'S GRAVE! and how you expect to take care of a BABY. People dont understand how much a baby really needs not just the baby but even just the actual birth is superrr expensive. If you dont have some type of health care. ONE night at a hospital is close to 2,000 dollars and you better hope your baby comes out super sayain cause if even if theres a little bit of extra blood they are gonna put him/her in an incubator which is an extra 1000. What im sayin is, dudes if you're going to have a kid step it up something serious cause your baby moms def cannot do it alone. yeah she might be a douche after or during the pregnancy but your going to have to deal with it and understand that, thats your responsibility as a man. That even if shes a major pain in the ass you're still gonna be there. That you could take what she throws at you and still be strong enough to endure. That you'll prioritize and progress by getting a job and educating yourself on what you could and should do. "boys make excuses and men make changes." I dont really know who said this but hey he/she is right.

My Project-Based School

(Mrs.Mercer(on the left)...Ms.Nelson(on the right)...Students(
Okay, people always ask me when they 1st see me "daaaamn yo how you been? What school you go to?" and I always "county prep from 3:30 to 7:30" and then i always get the same look -> Look, I DO NOT GO TO TWILIGHT. I'm in a alternative high Its high school just different principles. The reason why its 3:30 to 7:30 because theres not enough space in our building but we are a totally different school. Okay, when I say its different they're like "what you meannnnn????"lol. I dont get graded. I dont have any books. I create my own work. I think of my own project to do on whatever I want to learn about and then i do and based on how dope i make my project I get credit on it. So you know how you could be in a class not really do anything for like 2 months and pass and get like 2.5 credits, Well, if i do a really dope project in langauge arts I might get like 10 credits. getit. Dont get it twisted its not easy. Cause you got to create your own project that actually makes you learn something new. so there you go now the next time somebody asks me that question im gonna direct them to this article on my blog. The Chicks in the pics are my advisors MAD cool. super infuential. Mrs.Mercer was an olympic athlete, Ms.Nelson did everything that I want to do in the future so yeah like a role model but

Sunday, March 28, 2010

The Uggs

Okay, i might not be the only one to think that these boots are SUPER DUPER OVERLY AMPLY USED EVERYWHERE! they are dumb ugly. Yo, they look like somebody took somebody elses foot cut it off, buffed out all the edges, hollowed it out and added a sole. lol.and not only that these girls wear them untill the sole rots and they out of socks cause the holes on the bottom of their uggs are ripping them. seriously, why,why,WHY? lol. They all say the exact samething,"but they're comfortable". If I wear a blanket outside while its brick outside ill be comfortable too but do i do that hell no and the worse is when they have like fashionable uggs like an ed hardy ugg or and like a bedazzeled ugg.lmao. what im saying is pleaase stop wearing these over-saturated boots. not only are they super generic but they are super boring. Express yourself another way wear a blanket on your feet if you want, kill a racoon and wear it for a pair of toe rings i dont care. anything else other then these boring ass (those hats with the fur on them that look like roadkill im coming for you next as soon as everybody starts to realize that they look

The Proactive Vending Machine

Look, im not saying my skin is perfect but is proactive that addictive and safe that you can get it off a VENDING Honestly, as if it was a bag of chips or a snickers bar. Thats like putting it on a grocery list, "milk,eggs,bread, and proactive. word. i got this." lol. Not only is this shit distributed like it was a snicker bar they put this thing in the middle of the mall. Mad If i were to see somebody like really buying it, i would point and laugh as soon as my brain figured it out "yo...yo is this dude buying proactive?! :o! lmfao." and the crazy thing is as soon as you look in it, you see like an empty shelf.lmao. either everybody is buying this during non-peak hours in the mall or they telling somebody who don't care to buy it for them.(uncles,moms and grandmoms) lol. so what im saying is proactive is def buggin to be putting they creams in a vending machines like it was a bag of cheese ritz. (and if anybody knows somebody whos down to buy it for me hit me up cause my family dont know english and they might get me the wrong one, im tryna be ACNE-FREEEEEEEEEEEEE! lol.)

Saturday, March 27, 2010

The First One

Yeah, this is my first post i doubt somebody is ever going to read this but hey fuck it, im so well if i dont know if i should put like an intro or something. fuck it fuckit, my names jan...nah thats stupid uhhhh fuckit fuckit my names jan and imma just type what im saying in my head right now cause theres nothing else to say. its my 1st post. i wonder if everybody's first post is like this or they go on with an agenda before hand cause they actually have a life unlike me. i dont want to be like those people who have a twitter and dont have a job and actually dont do anything so their post are like "just chillin the crib you know...mad beat.." but im gonna start doing things just to actually put stuff up. so this isnt just a 1st blog this is a mission statement to myself that imma start making moves and imma start bying getting something to eat...
Peaaaace and amor con suca(sugar in Dominican spanish, ya tu sabe lol