Monday, March 29, 2010

My Project-Based School

(Mrs.Mercer(on the left)...Ms.Nelson(on the right)...Students(
Okay, people always ask me when they 1st see me "daaaamn yo how you been? What school you go to?" and I always "county prep from 3:30 to 7:30" and then i always get the same look -> Look, I DO NOT GO TO TWILIGHT. I'm in a alternative high Its high school just different principles. The reason why its 3:30 to 7:30 because theres not enough space in our building but we are a totally different school. Okay, when I say its different they're like "what you meannnnn????"lol. I dont get graded. I dont have any books. I create my own work. I think of my own project to do on whatever I want to learn about and then i do and based on how dope i make my project I get credit on it. So you know how you could be in a class not really do anything for like 2 months and pass and get like 2.5 credits, Well, if i do a really dope project in langauge arts I might get like 10 credits. getit. Dont get it twisted its not easy. Cause you got to create your own project that actually makes you learn something new. so there you go now the next time somebody asks me that question im gonna direct them to this article on my blog. The Chicks in the pics are my advisors MAD cool. super infuential. Mrs.Mercer was an olympic athlete, Ms.Nelson did everything that I want to do in the future so yeah like a role model but

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