Wednesday, March 31, 2010

The Ghetto White Girl

(Crystal- The face of the most hood chick I
Crystal is an OG.(for real, i think she got a case or caught a body but thats another story) (notice that I didnt put an lol after the comment cause im serious,lol im not sntching or anything im just saying)Theres nothing wrong with being white and just weird when you know somebody who you KNOW isnt ghetto like that but they choose to be because its cool or they trying to be down. I know this white dude that you know DAMN well he aint hood but chooses to be because thats what he lives around so he has to blend in but you cant blend in when your a screw driver in a box of hammers. Be yourself Like I know when he grows up he wants to be a lumberjack in the woods hunting foxes. lol. But hes probably gonna end up putting out a rap

1 comment:

  1. I'm a white girl who only dates black guys..I don't act hood
